Tuesday, June 29, 2010

5AY gives birth 6-29-10

HoneyGirl gives birth at about 6am this morning She was discovered by a tourist on his second day here in the islands. He decided to take a spin down the beach. She was found on the beach in the Kuilima area. I cannot divulge the exact location so as to minimize the traffic. But here are pups pictures after being on this earth about 3 hours.

This is her birth spot. She later moved down to the waters edge with pup close behind.

Pup got caught between a rock and a soft place

Pup and HoneyGirl from a distance.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Right Spot 6-27-10

Right spot surfaces this time at Back Yards between Velzy land and Sunset beach. Took my camera and went to take a picture and forgot my camera chip grrrrrrrr. But she was there.

Right Spot 6-25-10

right Spot at Rocky Point. Sorry folks this is the only picture I got. It was sent in by Dera L.