Friday, July 23, 2010

7-23-10 pup progress

UPDATE: This pup was named - Ua'Malie

Here fatso pup is being about as difficult as he can be to his mother. Honeygirl has her hands full with this one. So far we know that pup has his own mind and is not very obedient. Honeygirl barks her commands often at him (I think it's a him).

There were a few divers that entered in from the oceanside by mistake that were quickly advised about the monk protective zone, then a few wooden floaters drifted onto the scene. They were quickly removed and the evening continued. We'll see what kind of distractions happen tomorrow.

If you look real close just to the left and a little in front of the rock, you can see the two orange wooden floaters. As it turned out, there was a small hook attached to the line. Swimming in front of the rock were a small school of Oama. Looks like Honeygirl gets a treat as soon as she decides to eat.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

7-19-10 worry 7-20-10 no worry

On Monday there was worry and concern about HoneyGirls pup. There was clearly a hook feather in the left corner upper lip. Problem is, every picture I took had such a strong glare in the back ground, you couldn't see it clearly. It only looked like a bunch of sand on his lip. Good news today as reported by todays crew. Here's what was posted by Dera:

If I've forgotten anyone, please don't hold it against me. I'm just so happy this little pup is fine today compared to yesterday. Monday was not a good day in the seal world at Turtle Bay.

Everyone went beyond the call of duty to try to determine the status of this hooked baby. As we should be proud that this kid was able to nurse, swim, and eventually free himself. It was such a relief to go to the site this morning and not see what I looked at all day yesterday. Thank you to all the great seal Gods out there and the great volunteers that pushed themselves to protect this critter. You should all give yourselves a big pat on the back. Dera's photos are greatest ones I've seen of this kid, NO HOOK. Thank you Dera.