These photos were courtesy of DB's wife. By his own words, DB said he is not going to hike all they way out to Kaena Pt. (almost 2 1/2 miles) from the end of the road to where 4DJ decided to beach himself. So Mrs. DB had to capture the experience on foot today. But since these photo's were not from my camera, I can only post what he sent me. As a result, you may not be able to get a close up by clicking onto the picture as you can in other posts.

When we left the adventure, 4DJ was snoozin' at Alii Beach Park, in Haleiwa as dark approached. Then, this morning at 11:05 my wife found him still snoozin' but at Ka'ena Point. The boy does get around. His markers, the natural bleach on the forehead, the brown tag nub, and the "VO2" bleach on his side, were all visible. Aloha, DB

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