Here's what we found when we got there! Yoda (R302) leaves the comfort of the Pacific Ocean and decides to take up tennis. He snuggles up to the court fence in a non-suspecting manner waiting for his tennis instructor to show up.

At first, Yoda did not want to leave

Instead a fearless Crew . . . NOAA's Dave Schofield and a local volunteer approach cautiously, with defense shields in hand. There was no tennis coach. Yoda was clearly disappointed.

We got Yoda off the Tennis court and back onto the grass. Things appeared to be going good, and then . . .

Yoda decides to change his mind

Then negotiations began

Three steps forward, and one step back

David says, speaking in fluent Monk . . . "Listen Yoda, we got things to do, you gonna have to speed things up here!"

I think David needs to brush up on his Monk! Instead of heading back to the ocean, Yoda rolls over!

He looks deep into Davids eyes (as if giving David Stink Eye) and then David stares back.

Then without an argument, Yoda turns and heads back to the ocean.

He did flip his fins at David one final time!

Yoda then turns to see if David was going to change his mind,

David pointed and said "Go". And off he went.
Why couldn't Yoda stay there? I'd be honored to have him in my backyard.
He smelled worse than David. And I know you wouldn't want David in your back yard. So he had to go!
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