HoneyGirl gives birth at about 6am this morning She was discovered by a tourist on his second day here in the islands. He decided to take a spin down the beach. She was found on the beach in the Kuilima area. I cannot divulge the exact location so as to minimize the traffic. But here are pups pictures after being on this earth about 3 hours.

This is her birth spot. She later moved down to the waters edge with pup close behind.

Pup got caught between a rock and a soft place

Pup and HoneyGirl from a distance.
I was the "tourist" who found 5AY "Honey Girl" and her new born pup early Tuesday morning around 5:45-6:00AM. I was still on EDT and out for an early walk when I came upon them. A great welcome to the Islands.
Mike O.
The tag on the adult monk in the first picture of this article clearly reads AZ not AY when zoomed in. Has there been an error in identifying this mother as Honey Girl?
We saw mother and pup on July 4 swimming, vocalizing and nursing. It was such an awesome and treasured experience!
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