The whole time wifey and I were there she wouldn't turn over so that I could view her right side where the natural white beached mark is. And she had no other visible scars on her to assist in the identification. Then came DB!

I'm absolutely, bet the wife and cats on it , positively sure that you've got Right Spot (R016) here. Though she is lying on her right side and therefore not giving us her most recognizeable marker, there is still one very prominent marker. That is the uniquely notched right hind flipper. It is best seen in the first photo, but it there in all the shots where her hind flipper is visible. I'll attach a shot I got from Sandy Beach a while back and you'll see what I mean. ONLY Right Spot has a #5 lobe, right hind flipper notched like that. Ya' Done Good ! Aloha, DB
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