FYI, PO = Pup Oahu, then there's 1, 2, & 3. Pup on Oahu #1 was born on Rabbit Island on 4/20. We are referring to the 2 new pups as pup #2 and #3 (
P02 and P03). THE PICTURES HEREIN SHOWN ARE: Picture #1 Pup 2 and Picture #2 is Pup 3. I don't have pictures of Pup one because Rabbit Island is in DB's, Donna's, Patricia's and all the Windward volunteer's territory. (I haven't met too many of them as of yet) PO-1's pictures will probaly be posted on Donna's spot http://MonkSealMania.blogspot.com since I am only keeping track (pictures) of Monks found here on the North Shore. Pictures posted here are again credited to this Polynesian lady named Marsha White!
R5AY and P02 born Monday 5/12 across from Crawfords Convelescent Home on the NS (about 1/4 mile before Wailee Beach Park). Pup is a male. This is the third pup for this mom.
This female was first identified as an adult on Kauai in 2002. She was tagged on Kauai in 2003 (tags:
5AY/5AZ) and received the perm. ID of R5AY. She was sighted on Oahu in 2004 and 2005. In 2005 she gave birth to her first pup on Kauai (RI37). In 2006 she gave birth to her second pup on Oahu at Turtle Bay--this pup later drowned in a gill net off of Rabbit Island. She tends to frequent the North and Northwest shores of Oahu. (You can check this blogsite's previous posts to see how often she has landed on the North Shore of Oahu during 2008.)
RK28 aka ("KC") and P03 born on 5/14 in Mokuleia. Have not sexed the pup at this time. This is the first documented pup for this mom. RK28 is typically a seal seen on Kauai. She is untagged and was first identified on Kauai in 2003. She was seen briefly on Oahu in 2005. She returned to Oahu the fall of 2007 and has been sighted regularly along the North Shore and Northwest side of the island. She was bleach marked "N14" and has several prominent cookie cutter shark scars on her body that help to identify her. It is believed that she may have pupped on Niihau in the past: observations from Kauai report that she would disappear while looking very pregnant, only to return several months later much thinner.
David Schofield wrote:
> Aloha all,
> Thanks again for all the support for 5AY and P02...several are now saying this looks like a male so it must be true...
> A few updates:
> 1. Here is the updated pup schedule...it is getting there but we still have some folks that are pulling extra duty and would like some relief. It would also be ideal to have 2-3 per shift. We had a drop out for Friday...Jim and Kathy Brown are filling in but we need to fill in the spot by next week. Please continue to reach out to potentially interested folks.
> 2. Today I dropped off a bucket of outreach materials, new signs, and other goodies please check the bucket and familiarize yourself with the fact sheets/info.
> 3. Please feel free to call me for needs or issues with the mom and pup. When in doubt give me a shout. 721-5343.
> Happy seal sitting.
> Mahalo, mahalo, mahalo!!!
> David
> patie boehm wrote:
>> Aloha Everyone,
>> David wants volunteers to know that there will be media coverage on our Monk Seal pup tonight or tomorrow. The location is not being disclosed on the news.
>> Aloha
>> Patricia