Today we get to mark off Right Spot at Wailee Beach Park just past dead man's curve by Kawela Bay area. (Note: Remember Right Spot is nicknamed that because of the natural bleached round spot on her right center side) She appears to have beached herself at about 06:45. I got the call at about 07:00 and after talking to a person on the beach, learned that she came up about 15 to 20 minutes before that. So let me see, 07:00 minus 15 minutes . . ., Yup, that's about 06:45. Math is amazing if you know how to use it. And talk about lazy, I went back just now at 5:00pm. That lady is still sleeping on the beach. I doubt if she even brushed her teeth today and probably won't even make her bed before she takes off. What a life . . . I wonder if she get pilau breath? Hmmmmm!
1 comment:
I showed up today at about 5:45am to pick up my poles and signs. Hey guess what? She's still there, sleeping and appears to have no immediate plans to get wet again any time soon. Hope she goes back in today sometime. I need my poles and signs back.
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