Friday, May 2, 2008

Today's sightings Sunset Beach 5-2-8

Today we got called to Sunset Beach to picture the same unknown seal that was on Kawela Bay the other day. Maybe we have a new seal that needs a name? I'll keep you all posted on this one. My guess is it either has a name or needs one! But then again, what do I know?

1 comment:

Todd White's Hawaiian Blog Log said...

I just got an E from NOAA that this seal has been positively identified as Right Spot (R016)

Information currently in my files on RO16:
Nickname: RSF, Female
Date of Birth: N/A First seen as an adult in 2003
Most Frequent Location: North Shore
Flipper Tags: None
Distinct Characteristics: Large Natural Bleach mark on right side towards posterior. And now the notch on her rear right flipper and scar on her face.