Shark Bite shows up at Kaiakas just after 6am this morning. And while Shark Bite was busy resting on the beach, another monk was swimming in the water chasing or playing with a stick that was floating near by. I couldn't tell who that one was.

Notice from NOAA - Subject Shark Bite
sealonthebeach@gmail.com 11:53 PM (6 hours ago)to me
Hi Todd, I will send u the official information with dates and outcome. But to tell u the short version. We had two seals with swallowed hooks. Unfortunately SB's hook was farther down in the stomach area. He underwent invasive surgery and seemed to be recovering. Several days after the surgery, it was determined that he had complications, somewhat due to his age and parasites. He was believed to be around 28 yrs. old. He kept going downhill and stopped eating (we had him at the Waikiki Aquarium for nearly two weeks). On May 19th he was humanely enuthasized. A terrible heartbreak for so many caregivers that had hoped he would once again overcome all odds. We all loved that hapless critter and were in awe of his ability to survive. It will be a celebration of his long life and his ashes will be returned to the ocean by Hawaiian ceremony and blessing with dignity and love for this great seal that touched so many. I will send u the official report from the vets and the scientists. So sorry to be the bearer of bad news. God bless Shark Bite. Dana
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